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Caleb Kartchner | Acts 9:10-31 | Feb 16, 2025

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” https://www.youtube.com/@fbcdeming/streams “
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Upcoming Events
Weekly Schedule
9:30am – Bible Study Groups
10:45am – Worship Service
6:00pm – Prayer
10:00am – Women’s Bible Study
6:00pm – Midweek Adult Bible Study
5:00-5:30pm Meal for AWANA Families and Workers
5:30-7:00pm AWANA for ages 3-12th grade
1:00pm & 6:00pm – Faith Bible Institute
8:00am – Men’s Prayer Breakfast at the Cactus CafĂ©
VBS 2022 Highlights
Join Us for Awana!

Awana is anchored to 2 Timothy 2:15 and is an acronym for Approve Workman Are Not Ashamed. For ages 3-12th grade, this non-denomination program focuses on scripture study and memorization.
Register your child at www.fbcdeming.twotimtwo.com
Wednesday Schedule:
5:00-5:30pm Free Meal
5:30-7:00pm Awana Club Meeting
Our Vision:
At FBC Deming we seek to bring God honor and glory through sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and encouraging one another to live boldly for Him. Join us as we press on towards the Great Commission.
Our Mission:
Our aim is that every believer is equipped to serve God. We preach and teach the Bible, and through Corporate Worship, Small Group, Sunday School, AWANA Clubs, and life, we long to bring glory to God as people are saved and transformed.
What to expect on Sundays:
9:30-10:30pm Sunday School. We have classes for all ages. Teachers prepare to share God’s word through reading, teaching, and discussion.
10:45-11:45am Worship and Preaching: Services typically last about 60 minutes. Our music consists of traditional hymns and contemporary songs. Sermons are delivered by a rotation of men who seek to honor God by teaching His Word.
What about my kids?
It is important to us that families worship together. We understand that kids and babies at times can be noisy, but we love and appreciate these interruptions. Children need to see their parents worshiping God.
Where do I park and enter?
Doors open at 9:00am on Sunday mornings. Park in the south parking lot and enter through the double doors on the south side of the church.

Planning a visit?
Visitors are always welcome. Let us know you are coming.
Stop by the Welcome Center in the lobby for more information.
Contact the church office at 575-546-6509 or email the church at fbcdeming@yahoo.com.
What do we teach?
The Holy Scriptures: We teach that the Bible is God’s written revelation to man, and thus the sixty six books of the Bible given to us by the Holy Spirit constitute the plenary (inspired equally in all parts) Word of God (1 Corinthians 2:7-14; 2 Peter 1:20-21).
We teach that the Word of God is an objective, propositional revelation (1 Thessalonians 2:13; 1 Corinthians 2:13), verbally inspired in every word (2 Timothy 3:16), absolutely inerrant in the original documents, infallible, and God-breathed. We teach the literal, grammatical-historical interpretation of Scripture which affirms the belief that the opening chapters of Genesis present creation in six literal days (Genesis 1:31; Exodus 31:17).
We teach that the Bible constitutes the only infallible rule of faith and practice (Matthew 5:18; 24:35; John 10:35; 16:12-13; 17:17; 1 Corinthians 2:13; 2 Timothy 3:15-17; Hebrews 4:12; 2 Peter 1:20-21).
We teach that God spoke in His written Word by a process of dual authorship. The Holy Spirit so superintended the human authors that, through their individual personalities and different styles of writing, they composed and recorded God’s Word to man (2 Peter 1:20 21) without error in the whole or in the part (Matthew 5:18; 2 Timothy 3:16).
We teach that, whereas there may be several applications of any given passage of Scripture, there is but one true interpretation. The meaning of Scripture is to be found as one diligently applies the literal grammatical-historical method of interpretation under the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit (John 7:17; 16:12-15; 1 Corinthians 2:7-15; 1 John 2:20). It is the responsibility of believers to ascertain carefully the true intent and meaning of Scripture, recognizing that proper application is binding on all generations. Yet the truth of Scripture stands in judgment of men; never do men stand in judgment of it.
The Trinity: The Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God. And yet they are not three Gods but one God. And in this Trinity none is before or after another; but the whole three persons are co-eternal together and co-equal. So that in all things, the Unity in Trinity and the Trinity in Unity is to be worshipped. God is one, yet He is three. While scripture is clear on that fact, it stands as a divine mystery that we can never fully understand.
God the Father is holy and just.
Jesus Christ, as taught in scripture, is God and was born to the a virgin, lived a perfect life, and in death He took upon Himself our sin and punishment. He conquered death and the grave. He reigns and will return to judge all people and nations.
The Holy Spirit, as taught in scripture, is God and indwells those who are saved. The Holy Spirit seals believers until they die or until Jesus returns. More than that, the Spirit equips believers to accomplish the Will of God.
Salvation: We cling to salvation that comes from God’s grace alone, from faith in Jesus Christ alone, for the glory of God alone. Salvation comes when the Word of God is taught, the Holy Spirit convicts, and God the Father declares a sinner righteous because of the work of Christ. Salvation cannot be earned by works or good deeds, but scipture teaches that salvation comes by faith alone in Jesus Christ.
Man: God created humanity, beginning with Adam and Eve, with the purpose of living in perfect fellowship with God and worshipping Him. Sin, separated Adam and Eve from God, and since then all have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. The exception to that is Jesus Christ, who was not born in a natural way, but from a virgin. As a result of our sin, all people deserve to be eternally separated from God and punished for their sin. But God, who is rich in mercy, offered Jesus as a perfect payment for sin. Faith in Christ, reunites sinful people with God and allows us to live in perfect fellowship with God for His glory and honor.
The Church: All believers from all time belong to the Church. This group of people will enter into God’s presence and live forever in perfect fellowship with the Trinity. Scripture refers to the church as the Bride of Christ and Christ serves as the Head.
The local church: Is an organized spiritual body of believers who are commanded to physically meet together for the teaching of God’s Word, fellowship, growing in faith, keeping the ordinances (baptism and Lord’s supper), and to advance the Gospel, the good news of salvation.
Church Office
Our office is open from 9:00am-5:00pm Monday-Friday. If you have questions or need help, call or stop by and see Margaret, our secretary.